Arif's Story

I was in the middle of a huge deadline at work; the time pressure was intense and my team needed me constantly. Overwhelmed, I picked up the phone, prepared to cancel my mentor meeting for that afternoon.
As my finger moved towards the first number, someone in the office coughed. It took me back to last week, when my mentee and I ran mini races to see who was faster. On the fifth race I bent over, exhausted and coughed. My little placed his hand on my back and said, “You’ve got more jets than I thought.” I broke into a huge smile. Sweat had never felt so good, and I remember coming back to work energized and more productive. Needless to say, I decided to still meet up with my little that day (and had a blast).
My mentoring time is always a morale boost – for me.
*Names may have changed for privacy purposes