Online Training
Make a Difference & Have Fun
Training to become a volunteer mentor has 2 components: 1) in-person training and 2) online training through AMP. Please try to complete the online training before your in-person training date.
The Alberta Mentoring Partnership (AMP) created an online training course to provide mentors with an overview of the core concepts of mentoring and what’s involved in mentoring a young person. The course is intended to serve as an orientation to the world of mentoring. Participants learn what it means to be a mentor and will get an idea of how mentoring programs work. The course covers the basics of mentoring: the history of mentoring, what mentors actually do, what kind of support mentors can expect from your mentoring program and an introduction to the dynamics of the mentoring relationship.
Step 1. Click here to set up your account.
Step 2. Create a New Account (right hand side of the screen)
Choose a username and password (the username doesn’t have to include your personal name)
Choose the organization name: Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area
Step 3. You will now be emailed a confirmation link. Once received, follow the link to access the online training.
Follow the link in the confirmation email.
Choose the course: Orientation for Mentors
Step 4. Read through the Orientation for Mentors Module and complete the Orientation for Mentors Quiz. Once completed, you may choose to receive a Certificate of Completion via email. BGCBigs will be alerted that you have completed the online training!