News & Stories

Everyday Heroes – March 2020


Mar 3, 2020

Success Stories for March 2020:

1. Tezayne and Jeff recently celebrated their 4th year of being matched! They celebrated by going to an Oilers hockey game together using tickets from the agency!
Submitted by Katie

2. Big Sister Kami H. said Little Ethen had an “Awesome” report card with better grades than ever before, as well as fewer suspensions and fights in school. Client told this writer that these school achievements were because of his relationship with Kami, that she gives him tools to regulate and manage his emotions, and she always allows him a safe space to talk out what is going on for him at home/school.

3. Big Jeff F. who has been helped his teenage Little workout, learn how to properly use the workout equipment and work on teaching him healthy habits that he can continue in his adult years. Jeff shared he very much enjoys helping his Little learn about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Updated March 2020