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Request for Proposal: Field Study – Future of Fundraising


Jul 29, 2021

Download the Full RFP PDF HereRFP Field Study - Future of Fundraising


United Way of the Alberta Capital Region (UWACR), Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters (BGCBigs) and the Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (ECVO) are currently seeking interested firms to conduct a field study on the future of fundraising in the Edmonton Metropolitan Region.

Organizational Background


Established in 1941, United Way of the Alberta Capital Region (UWCAR) acts as both a community changemaker and fundraiser to tackle the unignorable issue of poverty in our community. We look at the big picture to deliver a coordinated network of services and programs to address a range of needs for children and families who are struggling. By bringing together partners and strategies, we mobilize collective action to create pathways out of poverty for people in our region.

More information on who we are and what we do can be found at


All children and youth will have enriching experiences growing up and achieve success in life.

Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters is a community-supported organization committed to the healthy development of children, youth and their families by providing safe places, positive relationships, services and opportunities to develop personal strengths and interpersonal skills that enhance their long-term success in life.

More information on who we are and what we do can be found at


We are a member-based non-profit organization serving the non-profit and charitable organizations in Metro Edmonton.

A strong, vibrant community strengthened by an effective voluntary sector working with government and business.

To strengthen the public service voluntary sector in Metro Edmonton by:

  • Leading in the voluntary sector
  • Building capacity in the voluntary sector
  • Giving voice to issues that impact the ability of the voluntary sector to be effective

The Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations helps organizations build and sustain their volunteer programs and services through resources, networking, and skill development opportunities.

More information on who we are and what we do can be found at

Organization Details

Project description: Field Study – Future of Fundraising Company Name: UWACR, BGCBigs and ECVO Address: c/o United Way of the Alberta Capital Region 15132 Stony Plain Road, Edmonton, AB T5P 3Y3

Procurement Contact Person:
Trish Weber
Vice President, Donor Relations & Resource Development Phone Number: 780.443.8371
Email Address:

Project Objective

To understand current and emerging trends in the philanthropic environment in the Edmonton Metropolitan Region over next three to five years. This intelligence will be gathered through research and stakeholder interviews and compiled in a final report with future recommendations.

Project Deliverables

1. Research:

  • Conduct research and literature review
  • Review data compiled by recent brand platform and customer segmentation

    surveys and interviews conducted by UWACR

  • Review COVID survey results from ECVO members
  • Identify gaps in data and make recommendations for stakeholder interviews

2. Stakeholder interviews/surveys:

  • Stakeholder list determined and provided by UWACR, BGCBigs and ECVO,

    informed by recommendations from consultancy based on gap analysis

  • Develop interview framework/questions
  • Develop communication for stakeholder participation
  • Conduct interviews along with respective organization for agreed upon stakeholder list

    2. Analysis:

• Analyze and interpret all resulting data, identifying trends related to:

oThe future of:

  1. Events (virtual, in person, fundraising, recognition, etc.)
  2. Lotteries (dream home, online 50/50s, etc.)
  3. Peer-to-peer
  4. Matching gift programs
  5. Social enterprise
  6. Recognition
  7. Impact reporting
    Individual Donor, Foundation, Corporate and Government investments preferences including:
  1. Grassroots/non-registered charities
  2. GivingfromanEDIlens
  3. Corporate Social Responsibility focus areas by sector
  4. Social Procurement
  5. Municipal, Provincial and Federal spending priorities
  6. Future of partnerships, wrap arounds, collaborative initiatives, etc.
  7. Project based, system change, or capacity building
  8. Technology(AI/digitaltransformation)
  9. Trust and Accountability

3. Final report and presentation including summary of future recommendations:
• Present final report and specific recommendations for our respective organizations and broader non-profit sector

RFP Timeline

Request for RFP: August 6, 2021
Deadline for Bidders to Submit Questions: August 13, 2021 Representative Responds to Bidder Questions: August 17, 2021 Deadline to Submit Proposal: August 23, 2021
Top Firms may be Contacted for Interview: August 23-30, 2021 Contract Award / Notification to Unsuccessful Bidders: August 31, 2021 Expected Project Completion: November 2021

Respondents to this RFP must submit one digital copy of their proposal which should be clearly marked “RFP: Field Study – Future of Fundraising” and emailed to Trish Weber at

Elements of Proposal

  1. Brief bio that includes highlights of past relevant projects.
  2. Capacity and credentials of your organization and proposal team relevant to the deliverables.
  3. A statement detailing the availability of services and fees (detail any additional recommended services with

    costs outside of project scope).

  4. A list of not less than three (3) professional references (one from a non-profit) –

    customers/organizations who have used your services within the last twelve (12) months.

Evaluation Criteria

The successful respondent will possess the following:

  1. The overall experience, knowledge, skills, and qualifications to provide these services.
  2. Competitive cost of services.
  3. The successful proponent will hold professional liability insurance for the named services, including errors and omissions insurance, with a limit of not less of $500,000 per occurrence.
  4. The expertise in working with similar customers in the non-profit sector.