News & Stories

BGCBigs Celebrating 10 Years Amalgamated


Jun 29, 2021

On July 1, we’ll be celebrating 10 years as a merged BGC and Big Brothers Big Sisters organization!
We’ve always believed that we’re BETTER TOGETHER!

Before we became BGCBigs (Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area), we had a long history of amalgamations dating back to 1976!

1962-Edmonton’s Boys’ Clubs was formed.
1972-Big Sisters Society of Edmonton was formed.
1976- Edmonton’s Boys’ Clubs changed to Boys & Girls Clubs of Edmonton
1980- Big Brothers of Edmonton was formed.
1990- Big Brother of Edmonton & Big Sister Society merged to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton
2011-Boys & Girls Clubs amalgamated with Big Brothers Big Sisters to become BGCBigs (Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area)

While this year we celebrate 10 years together, we have almost 60 years of history serving children & youth in Edmonton and area!

Thank you to all our supporters and community for allowing us to grow with you! If you have stories or experiences that you’d like to share from the past 10 years (or beyond), email us at, or post about it yourself using the hashtags below!

Follow the link to learn more:

BGCBigs Celebrating 10 Years Amalgamated