News & Stories

Black History Month Jeopardy February 2021


Mar 5, 2021

Black History Month - Jeopardy BGCBigsOn Tuesday February 23, 2021, BGCBigs hosted a virtual Black History Month Jeopardy event.  The event was organized by a committee of agency staff members to incorporate teams from each of our 10 club, individuals from All in for Youth schools, as well as individuals from our community based matches. The competition was inspired and supported by AfroQuiz; Edmonton’s annual Jeopardy-style quiz competition for children and youth of all ages celebrating the rich history of people of African and Caribbean descent around the globe.

MLA David Shepard

MLA David Shepard

The event began with a land acknowledgement and prayer by Elder Tom Snow from Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society followed by an inspiring speech by MLA David Shepard.  Both speakers brought forth the importance of recognizing the diverse cultures, practices, and influential individuals of Indigenous, African, and Caribbean decent that helped shape inclusivity, acceptance, and diversity in the world. The group then saw a special presentation by Sandra Muchekeza, Executive Director for CCACH (Council of Canadians of African & Caribbean Heritage.

Children and youth were then divided into their appropriate age groups and began competing against one another, answering Jeopardy Style questions celebrating the influential history of African and Caribbean decent from around the world. The event and included a total of 58 children and youth from BGCBig’s programs as well as two of our parents who participated alongside these young people.

Melafrique, a 6 piece, Afro-fusion band formed in Edmonton

Melafrique, a 6 piece, Afro-fusion band formed in Edmonton

After the competition concluded, the group was treated to a science presentation by Tau’Rean Adekunle, who is one of the founders of “A Village Project” and a musical performance by Melafrique, a 6 piece, Afro-fusion band in Edmonton.

“I’m glad that the ancestors of your culture as well as lots of others are finally recognized for the triumphs and things they went through.” Participating Parent

This event was not just a Jeopardy Competition between children and youth, it was a celebration of culture, recognition, and influential members of the African and Caribbean peoples. We thank all our organizers and everyone who contributed to this wonderful event.

Written by Muna Ahmed, West Club Coordinator and Daniel Edwards, Club Supervisor